Early Stage Career

Monstrous Mistakes in Workplace Etiquette: Avoid These "Scary" Behaviors and Keep Your Career on Track

Workplace etiquette can make or break your career. Avoiding key mistakes like constant interruptions, oversharing, and neglecting team dynamics can help keep you on the right track to success.
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Ever felt like your career was haunted by a bad email, an awkward meeting, or a colleague who always seems to suck the energy out of the room? You’re not alone! Workplace etiquette can sometimes feel like navigating a haunted house, with hidden traps that can "boo" you when you least expect it. This Halloween-themed guide offers light-hearted but practical advice on avoiding the most monstrous mistakes in workplace behavior. Let’s dive in before these career-killers become your personal horror story!

The Most Frightening Workplace Faux Pas to Avoid

The "Ghosting" Colleague 👻

When you disappear without a trace—whether it's not responding to emails or ignoring messages—you risk coming off as unreliable. Ghosting isn’t just spooky, it’s unprofessional, and it can come back to haunt you.

Trick or Treat: Block out 15 minutes in your calendar at the start and end of your workday to respond to any unread emails or messages. If you’re swamped, shoot a quick "I’ll get back to you by [date]" message. It keeps you present without becoming an actual ghost.

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The "Zombie" in Meetings 🧟

If you find yourself staring blankly in meetings or forgetting what was discussed, you’re not alone. The "zombie" mode happens to the best of us, especially in long, back-to-back meetings. But if you’re consistently checked out, it can give the impression that you’re disengaged.

Trick or Treat: Write down three talking points or questions before each meeting to keep your brain engaged. Even if you only share one, it will help break the habit of zoning out and show your team you’re present and contributing.

The "Vampire" Who Drains Team Energy 🧛‍♂️

Beware of the energy vampire who sucks the positivity out of every room with constant complaints or negativity. While we all have bad days, continually bringing down the vibe will eventually drain your colleagues’ patience.

Trick or Treat: Try the "3-to-1" rule: for every negative comment you make, share three positive or constructive thoughts. It will help shift your mindset and ensure that you’re contributing to a more positive atmosphere.

The "Werewolf" Who Loses Control 🐺

Emotions running wild? We’ve all had those moments where stress makes us growl at others. But if you’re frequently losing your cool, it could be scaring away opportunities for growth.

Trick or Treat: When you feel your stress levels rising, step away for a quick 5-minute walk or practice deep breathing techniques to calm down. Consider apps like Calm or Headspace for guided meditations to help you manage stressful moments.

The "Mummy" Wrapped in Personal Space Issues 🏺

Personal boundaries matter, even in the office. Don’t be the "mummy" who invades others' spaces by hovering over desks or handling someone else’s items without permission.

Trick or Treat: Use the "arm’s length" rule—keep at least an arm's distance from a colleague's workspace unless you’re invited closer. If you need to borrow something, always ask first to show respect for their personal space.

How to Cast a Spell of Professionalism Without Losing Your Personality

Maintaining professionalism doesn’t mean stripping away all your personality. It’s about knowing when to dial up the charm and when to keep things strictly professional.

Trick or Treat: Assess the tone of the room or team. If your office is more casual, you can show a bit more personality, like adding a fun, themed Zoom background. But in formal settings, stay polished and stick to business-appropriate interactions.

Exorcising Your Bad Habits: How to Break Free from Common Mistakes

Think you might be guilty of one of these behaviors? It’s not too late to change! With a bit of effort, you can "exorcise" those bad habits and create a more positive reputation at work.

Trick or Treat:  Start with a self-assessment. List three behaviors you want to improve and set one small goal for each. For example, if you tend to ghost messages, commit to answering every email within 24 hours for a week.

Resources to Try: Books like Emotional Intelligence 2.0 or workplace communication workshops can provide actionable strategies to help you improve.

Don’t Let Your Career Become a Horror Story: The Long-Term Impact of Good Etiquette

Good etiquette is more than just a set of rules; it’s a career game-changer. Practicing these tips can lead to promotions, better relationships with your colleagues, and a generally more enjoyable work life. Don’t let small missteps turn your career into a horror show.

Trick or Treat: Track your progress. Set monthly reminders to evaluate your etiquette habits, and celebrate improvements (even small wins!) as you go. This will keep you motivated and make good habits stick.

Trick or Treat? Choose Professionalism Over Scary Behavior

When it comes to workplace etiquette, it’s better to offer a treat than a trick. Avoid these monstrous mistakes, and you’ll find your career path much less haunted. A little effort can go a long way in creating a work environment where you’re known for your professionalism—not your scary behavior.

Ready to hone your professional skills and avoid these career "frights"? Our externships offer hands-on experience and mentorship to help you succeed. Apply today and start your journey toward a career that doesn’t spook anyone!

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